The Role of The Mirror Nervous System: Cognition and Development
ROLE OF THE MIRROR NERVOUS SYSTEM (SOCIAL COGNITION): The mirror nervous system consists of special brain cells, called ‘mirror neurons’, that are distributed in several areas of the brain. They are unique because they fire both in response to personal action and in response to actions of others: they mirror motor activity in other individuals. These are thought to be involved in social cognition, allowing us to interpret intention and emotion in others. These mirror neurons allow an observer, and the person being observed, to have direct experiential understanding of each other, thus explaining how people emphasise with each other. Mirror neurons may also play a role in TOM and perspective-taking: if mirror neurons fire in response to other’s actions and intentions this may give us a neural mechanism for experiencing and understanding other people’s perspectives and emotional states. This neural mechanism may allow us to interpret what others are thinking and feeling. It ...