Explain two problems in defining crime (6 marks)

Explain two problems in defining crime (6 marks)

There are many problems that arise as a result of attempting to define crime - for example, historical context: the definition of a 'crime' changes over time. This can be illustrated by how up until 1967 in the UK, Homosexuality was a crime, but in today's society it is growingly more acceptable and becoming gradually more common. Additionally, smacking a child hard enough to leave a mark didn't used to be a crime - but now, since the Children Act of 2004, it is viewed as a criminal offence - this further demonstrates how the definition of a crime is varying greatly over time.

As well as historial context, culture is a major problem when attempting to define a crime - what is viewed as a crime in one culture, may not be viewed as a crime in another. For example, having more than one wife is acceptable in some parts of the world, but in the UK this is a major crime (bigamy) - also, forced marriage is a crime in the UK, but is a common practice in various different cultures.
